Terry Mosher 3






I saw the other day a YouTube video taken in Mosul, Iraq where the Islamic State has gained control and it was horrific. In the video, several fighters from the Islamic State were shown driving in a car down a highway. They would pull aside of another car and a fighter would shoot them with a rifle pointed out the side backseat window.

Once they had shot up the car so it would go off the road, the fighters would get out and walk up to the car and finish the drive and passengers off at point-blank range with their rifles. They then would drive up to the next car and repeat the process.

In once scene, a passenger in one car escaped and was running away in a field. The fighters took off in their car in the field, caught up with the fleeing man, knocked him down with a rifle shot. Then one of the fighters got out and walked up to the injured man, who had turned to face the fighter, pleading for his life. The fighter casually walked up to him and shot him dead.

Later in the video, the fighters were cruising in their car in Mosul and when they would see somebody walking on the sidewalk, fire at him (or them), killing them, in a sort of drive-by shooting. It was like shooting ducks in a small pond.

Now this from Al Jazeera: The Islamic State has driven a Kurdish religious sect – Yazidi – into the mountains, threatening to kill them all if they don’t repent and convert to Islam. They are surrounded in the mountain by the fighters and the U.N. is warning a humanitarian tragedy is unfolding. Supposedly a Kurdish army unit is headed their way to rescue them, but the Kurds have been beaten back already by the Islamic State fighters and rescue isn’t a sure thing.

Bottom line for me that that the people that comprise the Islamic State are not human. They are evil beings that if allowed to spread would threaten the world population of humans. I don’t know what we are waiting for, but these sub-humans must be eradicated from Earth, for the sake of the rest of us.

The Islamic State is a terrible, terrible disease.

Be well pal.

Be careful out there.

Have a great day.

You are loved.