Terry Mosher 3


I think I understand the importance Putin has placed on getting The Donald elected President of the United States. It became clearer to me after reading about Putin’s attraction to the Orthodox Christian Church, although I believe it is a fake attraction mean to consolidate his dictatorial power with the help of the church rather than abolish it as most of his predecessors did during the Soviet rule.

Putin, along with his ideological conspirator, Alexander Dugin, are determined to rebuild the Russian Empire using the church as a means to pacify its citizenry. All of this is contained in a story in the June 17 issue of Time Magazine.

Dugin, according to Time, runs a 24-hour cable-news network where he preaches Russian militarism against its enemies, which are the United States and Europe. The real enemy, though, is liberalism, which is where the Orthodox Christian Church comes in because it is a bastion of far-right conservative views, and if that sounds familiar it should because The Donald has hired core campaign staffers who are so extremely far right they are almost touching the left.

The Donald also is concentrating his campaign efforts with the Evangelists (along with the white and male dominated class) and I don’t think that is just a coincidence on his part. It fits in with what Putin is attempting in Russia and my guess is that if The Donald can pull it off and capture the White House we will see in this country not just a partnership with Putin and his military aims on Eastern Europe, but an attempt here in this country to pack the courts, including the Supreme Court, with conservative judges, attack the media with new rules limiting freedom of speech, usurp the constitution, a stifling of the non-white classes, ruling with an iron fist through executive actions and abolishing the legal basis of the separation of church and state as expressed in the First Amendment and mentioned in the 1879 Reynolds v. United States court case and reinforced by Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black in 1947 when he wrote in Everson v Board of Education  “In the words of Thomas Jefferson, the clause against establishment of religion by law was intended to erect a wall of separation between the church and the state.”

If this separation is abolished, that will add to the dangerous power grab by the conservative far-right to rule with unabashed and menacing and violent means to control what we citizens can and cannot do.

At the early front of this power grab is to abolish abortion and deny women the right to control their bodies and make them second-class citizens as advocated in various parts of the world by other religions.

If the church can dabble into the political life of this country, anything is fair game and even though I’m a deeply spiritual person with firmly held Christian beliefs (I know that God exists), it worries me that religions in this country could feel empowered to change the way we live for the worst.

Of course, if The Donald gets elected he will find it much easier to make money and build bigger and (of course) better Trump towers where he can sit on a bigger and better golden throne and be the king of everything.

I am amused that he is courting the Evangelists because he is so devoid of a kind and loving soul and so sinful that it’s impossible to measure. He wouldn’t know a church from a hole in the ground. If there is such a thing as Satan, and I don’t think there is, he is it.

But here we are, 56 days before the presidential election on Nov. 8, and The Donald, the worse presidential candidate in history and maybe the worse man as far as character is primed to win and gain entrance to the White House.

Man, no Hollywood script writer could even come up with this. It is just too farfetched to be believable. What is wrong with us that we allowed this awful man to raise so high? What did we do to deserve this?

For those of us who will be around for a long time, maybe a couple Russian language classes will help us get around. For me, my expiration date will likely allow me to escape the complete destruction of freedom and life as we know it. It will be like experiencing Armageddon and I’m hopefully I will miss it.

On that less than hopeful note, I’m outta here. I’m going to be like the Seahawks and their Harry Houdini escape artist, Russell Wilson, and find me a peaceful nook around here where I can exhale and allow all my tensions and anxiety to be released to the heavens.

See you later.

Be well pal.

Be careful out there.

Have a great day.

You are loved.