Have we seen the last of Russell Wilson, and the NBA All-Star game is a bad joke




TOP OF THE TOWN – How fast has Russell Wilson fallen off the quarterback map? His deep dive since being traded by the Seahawks March of 2022 has been shockingly fast. He is still employed by Denver, where the Seahawks sent him, but he is the odd man out there now. In fact, Wilson just recently put up his mansion for sale so he expects to be booted out soon. Where he lands is in doubt. Maybe Pittsburgh or Las Vegas, but his odds of finding a job with those two are lowering by the minute. What happened to Wilson? Why is he suddenly standing outside looking in? Well, I suspect his brand of football doesn’t fit in anymore. He had 10 good seasons with the Seahawks, winning one Super Bowl and probably should have won another except for an interception in the end zone when the Hawks were about to score the winning touchdown. His style was to make something out of nothing. He went off script much of the time, and coach Pete Carroll let him get away with it because he, like Houdini, was able to escape the pocket and make some great plays. But his style didn’t fit Denver where new coach Sean Payton wanted him to be a pocket passer and follow the game plan. That’s not Wilson. Now at 35 he’s out and looking for a team that will appreciate his scrambling style of football. It looks to me that he would have to settle for being a backup, but even that is not readily available. I wouldn’t be surprised if we haven’t seen the last of Russell Wilson. … Who besides me thinks the NBA’s All-Star game is as phony as a 3-dollar bill. It’s not really a game. It’s a play date that used to be as far as females could go back in the day. The competition level is nil and defense is nil and none. It’s a show. Come and see the best basketball players in the world make fun of the game. The only thing missing is the Globetrotters. Damian Lillard was named the MVP.  He scored 39 points and became a sensation by hitting threes from the next area code over. What I can not figure out is Karl-Anthony Towns scored 50 points in 28 minutes for the East and I never heard a mention of is name by any of the TV shock jocks. I would mention the final score was 211-186 in favor of East, but then you would say I was joking. The game actually was a joke. Baseball’s All-Star Game is an actual competitive contest, but the NBA what-ever-you-call-it is nonsense. If you want to see these guys do this buy a video game. That is it for today. Stay safe.

Be well pal.

Be careful out there.

Have a great day.

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