Bumming around town with Bill Bumerton

Bumerton is a retired Navy fighter pilot who had been missing in action for several years while he traversed the globe looking for greener grass. He discovered the grass is only greener here (it’s blue in Kentucky), so he returned to again take charge of his 1954 green Hudson Hornet that has been in storage, refilled his pipe, and is ready to continue his smokin’ ways. Here is what he recently told us at the Sports Paper.


Bumerton sees all

Bumerton sees all


Big Dawg, something is really wrong with our world. How can Anthony Weiner collect almost 19 percent of the voting population in a poll taken for the New York City major’s race? I mean, c’mon. What is wrong with people? The guy is a pervert. Why would anybody vote for him? And if he were in his right mind he would not run. I can’t believe, Big Dawg, there are people out there that like him for what he represents. Man, this is a crazy world. I’m guessing now that maybe you would get 19 percent in a poll, and that is even crazier. I think they ought to round that 19 percent up and put them in a holding pen to keep them from the rest of us sane citizens.