Terry Mosher 3


Tell me how a group of people can be so proud of killing innocent and defenseless people – men, women and children – and then broadcast to the world that it was responsible and threatens to kill others if you don’t do as it wishes.

And the deadly slaughter I’m talking about is the one in the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya, but I could be talking about just any one of dozens throughout the world that happen almost on a daily basis.

We  ‑ and I’m talking about us humans of any stripe, and persuasion, any religion, any color – are the most violent animal or creature on Earth and we go out and prove it every day. But my question is what sane human delights in it to the point he or she can point an automatic weapon at a loving child, pull the trigger and destroy that child without any emotion attached to the moment?

And then broadcast to the world that it was I who did it.

These gutless humans are not human. The Bible talks about the ever ending fight with Satan and I have never bought into that notion. But the more Nairobi shootings – and we seem to see more and more of them – the more my mind changes so that, maybe, there is a Satan and his minions.

I’ll accept that an insane man may walk into a Navy Yard and start firing away, but I can’t shake the thought of sane people – men and women – walking into a mall and start shooting. My God, what is going on?

I about threw up last night when there was a 30-second sound bite of the head of the NRA saying that the Navy Yard shooting would not have occurred if there were heavily armed guards protecting it. What we need, he said, is more guns not less.

He’s the game guy who said after the school shooting in Connecticut that what schools need is more guns. Yeah, let’s arm all the teachers, administrators, and the students themselves. We can have an old-fashion OK Corral Shootout every time some teenager is mad at his life or a teacher is fed up with teenage behavior or a too-stressed out administrator goes wacko.

Why do we in America need semi-automatic weapons with an unlimited magazine?  To better shoot down a defensive doe and her twin fawns?

I don’t get it.

Wacko humans are loading up their weapons and walking into schools and Navy Yards and firing until everybody in sight is dead or SWAT teams finally knock them off. Maybe the NRA guy is right – arm everybody in America with the biggest and best weapons, give us all a week’s supply of ammunition and let’s get it on.

Who cares who gets shot?  A two-week old baby gets caught in the neighborhood crossfire?

Too bad.

We are a crazy society. Not you. You are just fine, a good person. But you deserve better than to be frightened every time you decide to go the mall to shop for a pair of shoes, some pants and socks.

It’s gotten so I have visions of some crazed group blowing up a Bremerton to Seattle ferry some day. Think that is not possible?  Better think again. All it takes is somebody who is not human – like the thugs in Kenya – to walk on and detonate a suicide vest.

I can’t forecast what the future holds. But at the rate we are going here on Mother Earth the possibilities of mass killings could increase so much that we will all have to be NRA members in good standing just to have a fighting chance.

Sorry to alarm you. I hope your world and mine will become much safer and peaceful and very loving. I pray that will be so.

Now if we can just get rid of the excessive greed in our world that sees the top one-percent making more and more wealth for themselves at the expense of the other 99 percent, we can all rest. I’m afraid, though, that will continue unabated until the poor and middle class rise up in revolt.

In the meantime, enjoy the distractions – the rise of the Seahawks, Huskies and Cougars.

Be well pal.

Be careful out there (watch those mall trips).

Have a great day.

You are loved.