Terry Mosher 3


Koch brothers


The Koch brothers have decided to spend their $900 million this election cycle on Scott Walker, the great union-busting governor from Wisconsin who says his experience in union busting allows him to be the best man to take on ISIS.

Man, isn’t this a great democracy. Walker says you need to vote for him because he shops at Kohl’s. I think he shops at Kochs.

I graduated from Western Washington with a degree in political science with minors in history and economics and when I was still young saw the rise of Richard Nixon, that great character guy who swore and drank and tried to ruin this great country with his paranoia. Now we have Walker and other far-right conservatives like Ted Cruz to be purchased with billions by wealthy men like the Kochs who got a free pass to go pass Go from the 2010 Citizens United decision the Supremes passed along to us.

Thank God we have the beheading march of the ISIS to put things into proper perspective. Who would you rather live with? The Kochs? Or the 4th century ISIS freak heads. But someday, we will regret the day the Supremes went all in on Citizens United to allow people like the Kochs to dig down to their pocket change and buy the next president.

I would like to start an anti-campaign that wherever or whomever Koch money touches down, we reject them with our vote. A vote against an idiot like Walker or Cruz or Rand Paul or any other money-grubbing fool that will unhinge our liberty is the only way a true democracy can survive.

And don’t get me started on Hillary Clinton, who pretends to be one of us with her phony start to her campaign and her public utterances that she will fight tooth-and-nail for the middle class, the poor. Let’s put it this way, can you trust somebody who loots the White House on her way out the first time. What will she loot this time?

Is there an honest and decent individual still out there in the public wilderness, other than Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders?

Maybe you…

Maybe me.

But We don’t have the Kochs to buy us.

Be well pal.

Be careful out there.

Have a great day.

You are loved.