Terry Mosher 3


Bill Clinton is an idiot. How can such an intelligent man and a former president of the United States do something so stupid as to what he did Monday at Sky Harbor Airport in Phoenix when he delayed his flight once he learned that U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch would soon be on the same tarmac and then requested a meeting with her that lasted 30 minutes.

Lynch should also have known better since the FBI is in its final stages of its investigation into the email situation with Hillary Clinton and any meeting with her husband would certainly be viewed by any reasonable person as very unwise, at the very least.

Hillary haters and Trump The Terrible will have a field day with this. There may be nothing to the meeting, as Lynch has said, but any suspicion of unethical or unlawful dealings is dangerous ground when you are running for president, especially in today’s very divisive political climate where untruths, innuendos and bombastic bullying by one side is fired like an AK-47 on a daily basis and is bound to hit soft targets that  turn the gullible into believers.

We will see soon, I’m guessing, how Clinton handles this latest malfeasant by her often out-of-control husband.

Try to stay calm as this storm passes through and enjoy the weekend celebrating our independence from mother England and the freedoms we enjoy because of it. Remember that regardless of what Trump says about making America great again, that we are already great. We live in the greatest country in the world and despite those who will try to tear us down and divide us and destroy us, what has been built over the last 240 years shines as a bright and very positive beacon upon the rest of the world.

So be happy that you live here and go out and be safe this great weekend.

Be well pal.

Be careful out there.

Have a great day.

You are loved.