Terry Mosher 3


Colin Kaepernick 2


This does not need any explanation. You can, if you are a reasonable person, and I’m going to assume you are, figure out pretty quickly what these two separate incidents spaced within hours of each other tell us about ourselves.

First, Colin Kaepernick starts a protest based on his belief that blacks are oppressed in t his country by refusing to stand during the national anthem and that protest begins to take on a life of its own and then, two, Brock Turner, a swimmer at Stanford, was released from prison after serving just three months of a six-month sentence for sexual assault.

Okay, I lied. You see the incongruity of these two positions? Racism against blacks in a white dominated society and white privilege getting what is basically a slap on the knuckles with the admonishment to please not do it again.

This is our justice system at its worst.

What would be the consequences, you suppose, if these two positions were reversed. What if Kaepernick was accused of sexual assault and Turner refused to stand during the playing of the national anthem?

I’m going to guess that your answer would be the same as mine.

That’s enough for today. I’m going to fix me a peanut butter and strawberry jam sandwich and attempt to read Time Magazine’s latest story on the Donald – Trumps Tall Tales – without having a heart attack. If I do have one, it’s not the sandwich’s fault, although it’s probably not the best thing for me to eat.

Anyway, we’ll see you down the road. Later.

Be well pal

Be careful out there.

Have a great day.

You are loved.