Terry Mosher 3



It is no secret that I dislike Donald Trump. I’m not alone in that. Far from it, millions share the same thoughts that I have about him. He proves every day how unqualified he is not just to be president but to even be a dogcatcher.

I have figured out why he has risen to such political heights despite all the evidence out there (do the research for yourself) that he is morally bankrupt soul who is a combination of many bad things – racist, bigotry, hatred, breaker of laws, accused rapist (three times), misogynist, a prince of darkness and other things to dark to relate to.

In short, this man is close to being evil. If he was running against Attila the Hun, I’d vote for the Hun. If he was running against Hitler, I’d have to pass on voting. That would be too close to call.

So why is this election as close as it is with just 41 days left until most of us vote (seven states plus Washington D.C. offer early voting)?

I think I have it figured out, finally. A lot of you out there are tired of the same old politics and the debacle of a Congress that could have been labeled “The Do Nothings.” (Actually, there was a Do Nothing Party that took hold just prior to the Civil War from which our 13th president, Milliard Fillmore campaigned under, and lost).

So there are a good percentage of you voters who are looking for change to stop the imbalanced of wealth and influence that has created an underlying anger among those of you who feel left behind.

What you needed, and what you got, was a man who tapped into that anger with a showman’s style. I call it being a carnival barker inviting you into his freak show. You entered in droves and were incited almost to riots with his slippery and silver tongue, words flying from his lips in increasing bitter and dangerous tones as he became the bully who was going to – among many things ‑ slap silly the Washington insiders and kick them all out of the public arena.

Yes, you said, that’s it. Let’s go get those crooks. Lead the way we are with you. We will take to the streets, the bars, the fields and you will be our Winston Churchill, our dear leader who will right all the wrongs, perceived and otherwise.

The trouble, as I see it, is you picked the wrong man. You picked, as I have said many times before, a bad man, a man who is the biggest narcissist maybe in history. He’s a man who has built his whole live on a stack of lies that grow bigger and bigger by the hour.

I won’t go so far as to say he’s Lucifer. However, if elected he could be our Lucifer because our democracy will be destroyed by his man, whose only commitment is to him and his needs. He no more wants good for the United States that the man n the moon.

Trump spends every waking moment tearing down his detractors, his enemies, friends that turn against him, and his country. He can’t stand for anybody or anything to be better than he is and to make that happen he has to tear down through bullying, intimidation and lying in order to feed his own insecurities that run deep.

Listen to him. He seldom – almost never – talks in specifics on any topic. He doesn’t have any. He will build a wall, for example, but how will he do it? What will it cost if he could achieve it? And forget about Mexico paying for it. It will not.

He has talked in general terms about lowering taxes. But when you apply an accounting test to it, it tilts toward the wealthy and will increase the national debt by trillions.

That is the same with his child care plan. It tilts toward the wealthy. Do you see a pattern here? He only knows wealth, and more wealth, and he’s out to get more no matter how many small guys along the way get hurt.

I’m sure he would like to lower taxes on the wealthy because then he would not have to file fraudulent income tax returns that get audited and from which he has been sued by various governments –city and state – and which he can’t release because then he would be exposed for the fraud he really is.

But I could go on and talk forever how bad this guy is and awful his plan for America is, but you won’t hear it because he can do no wrong. He’s the bully you have been waiting for and you live on his every word, cheering like a star-struck child over an athletic super star.

There is no reason in your reasoning, other than it’s about time we had a person who would get rid of all the regular politicians and kick some butt. Yeah, let’s kick some butt, you say, and let’s do it sooner than later.

Trump is right. He could do out on 5th Avenue in downtown Manhattan and shoot somebody and his poll numbers would go up. I could imagine him (God forbid) walking into the Kitsap Mall and do what the kid in Burlington just did, and his poll numbers would go up. You would love it. The bully has kicked some butt.

So, this is the way I see the election. Barring an unforeseen stupid mistake by Hillary Clinton, barring the Russian hackers distorting election results, barring those same hackers from discovering some more troubling things about Clinton (and I think this is a real possibility) and releasing them to Wikileaks, it will all come down to how the next two debates go.

This is Clinton’s to lose if those things in the above paragraph don’t happen. If she doesn’t screw up ‑ and there are millions of voters that really don’t like her but dislike Trump more and are waiting for her to make a misstep and will vote for Trump is she does screw up ‑ she will win. And no amount of bullying and intimidation and lies and distortions by Trump will change that.

Most reasonable people by now know who Trump is and what he will do and expect him to continue to lie and to batter Clinton in the remaining days with outrageous lies and claims and  that probably won’t be enough to change the voters mind to him.

Trump is the prince of darkness. He can’t help himself because of his insecurities. He will continue to spew hatred and attack Clinton with ugly and vile venom unlike anything we that have witnessed many presidential races have ever seen or heard.

He is an ugly, morally bankrupt man that has no soul. He is devoid of everything you want in a human being. But the anger of the electorate is so deep and so ready to line up behind a strongman who will lead them – they think – to the promise land that voters continue to like him.

It is – as Trump has often tweeted – sad.

That’s enough for today. May God bless us all and lead us out of this possible horrific situation. Hopefully, God has a sense of humor and allowing a sick man like Trump to get this far is his joke and he will see to it that the Orange Man never walks through the White House door.

Be well pal.

Be careful out there.

Have a great day.

You are loved.