As Republicans begin to scramble to get away from Don The Con, he is doing what he has done his entire life and that is to attack and belittle those who oppose him. So I would expect him to fire up his base of loyal supporters calling all who are fleeing him all kinds of names in addition to literally burning Clinton ‑ who refused to be bullied and intimidated at Sunday’s debate, although he tried extremely hard to do so ‑ at the stake with all the fury and demagoguery that only a third-world strongman like Don The Con can muster. This man is extremely dangerous and in the coming weeks he will expose himself as that more and more as his list of enemies, perceived and otherwise, grows. He is, in short, a flaming meteorite that has just entered Earth’s atmosphere and will thunder across our skies in a deafening roar just before impacting to destruction, blowing himself into smithereens. The real question then will be this: Will this monster when he loses the election then incite his followers – Brownshirts, also known as Hitler’s security force – to riot claiming that only they can take back their country and install him as the only man that will fix everything? Don’t laugh. This horrific man is capable of doing anything, especially when he senses he might lose, which, if you have followed his career, he never does. Yeah, right. So we are now entering the twilight zone in our nation. We have never been here in our history, so this could not only be exciting but also dangerous. What will we do? Will we do the right thing and repudiate this monster before it’s too late, or, like that streaking meteorite, go down in flames with him?