Terry Mosher 3


Don the Con’s campaign reminds me of the ad that Charles Atlas ran in comic books starting in 1940 that illustrated his new body-building methods. In the ad, Angelo Siciliano (Atlas’ birth name; he changed it to Atlas later) is a skinny wimp lying on a beach when a muscular bully comes along and kicks sand in his face. Aiciliano then goes on to build muscle with what was a new approach to body building, comes back and kicks sand in the bully’s face.

In this political season, Don the Con is the bully and he’s gone around America kicking up all the anxieties, anger, hatred, racism, bigotry and misogyny and criminal sexual desires that he has and that have laid hidden just beneath society’s surface and thrown it all in the face of the elites and politicians that he supposes have “gamed” the system for their own benefit.

He’s able to do that because Don the Con, who by the way is an elite, is all of that plus cheating ways – he’s used the laws to cheat thousands, had buildings built with cheap steel from China and has had manufactured goods with cheap labor in third-world countries to sell here and does not pay income taxes that would help the very people he has incited, and that is just the tip of the iceberg of things he has done that should disqualify him for any office, including dog catcher.

But by kicking up all the bad stuff that has been stuffed hidden for all these years, he’s been able to develop a following not much different than what Hitler did when he held his Munich Beer Hall Putsch in 1923. That failed and he was jailed, but that was the start of his rise to power in the Reichstag when he gained absolute power in 19333 from the Weimar Republic.

What is remarkably similar between Hitler and Don the Con is that both have used, and in Don the Con’s case still uses, deceptiveness, cunning and blatant lies to gather support and power.

There is so much hatred being spewed by him that I call him the prince of darkness. He and the alt-right have over the past year used deception and outright outrageous lies to paint his presidential opponent with an ugly brush. It’s a neat trick. You tell people the same lie over and over and over again and it soon gains traction as truthful even though the truth is that it’s a lie.

If, for example, I tell you that you are beautiful and I tell you that several times a day for several months you will come to believe it even though reasonable people when looking at you may see you in a vastly different light.

Reasonable people can see the difference between the con and the truth. But we are not all reasonable people. There are some of us who are like the wimp on the beach that has been having sand kicked in his face for years and has built up powerful anger, but because he is a wimp has no place to get rid of it.

But lo and behold, here comes the hero with a golden tongue. He kicks up the sand on all your real and your perceived points of anger, emboldens you to reveal your darkest secrets even if they are racist or misogyny or bigotry, and allows you to give voice to your long suppressed silence.

This new hero – Don the Con, also known as a demagogue ‑ is the bully you have been waiting for. You laugh and shout and cheer when he gives you license to punch somebody in the face, to yell “lock her up” or “assassinate her.”

And when your new hero says the election is rigged (giving him reason not to lose) and that you should go to the polling places to make sure illegals are not allowed to vote, that you should look for voter fraud and stop it, and bring your guns if allowed to carry to protect yourself from “them”, then you march to his call.

But this “march” is a threat to the very freedom that you believe he will give you. Don the Con is not the light that God promises we should move to. He is the darkness that is promised by evil.

You are being deceived by the bully even while you are feeling relieved that there is now somebody who will knock some sense into those dirty politicians, will jail those who are perceived as guilty of “gaming” the system.

In fact, you are a key component of the modern day Munich Beer Hall Putsch. You are the new “Brown Shirts”, you are the security force that will round up all the illegals and punish all those who dare oppose your new leader, your new hero, the Don the Con.

I feel afraid for you, not of you. Whatever Don the Con’s next move after he loses the election, I will stand unafraid and fight back against this demagogue, this modern day Hitler.

He is a loser. as he has been his whole life.  And it’s about time that all reasonable people take a stand and vote against him. Send him back to his hole in the Trump Tower that was built on the backs of illegals who did not get properly paid and with cheap steel from China.

Our message to him should be firm – democracy cannot be bought by the devil.

That’s enough of this. It’s time to watch a little college football and take my mind off this ugly and dangerous man.

Be well pal.

Be careful out there.

Have a great day.

You are loved.