Terry Mosher 3



For a dictator to become one that person must have control of the military and the military must do what it is told. So the first ominous signs that we in America are headed toward a dictatorship are to watch and see if there is a reshuffling of military leaders.

If one of Don the Con’s first moves once he gains power on Jan. 20 is to do that, look out.

The second ominous move would be to gain control of the press. I would expect that to happen like this: Don the Con creates an official government “voice”, probably with the help of Roger Ailes and Steve Bannon. He then pushes limits on other media outlets and eventually crushes them.

A third ominous thing to watch for is how quickly Don the Con snuggles up to Putin and Russia. Part of that would be to withdraw all or part of America’s support for NATO and possibly close our military bases in Europe. That, of course, would allow for Putin to gain hegemony over Europe either by scare tactics, interference in election processes on the continent or downright invasion.

The last big thing a dictatorship will do is to round up is enemies. I would expect the Clintons and Obama’s to be a first priority. Then it’s a matter of threatening members of congress if they don’t go along with his plans.

Last, but not the least, would be to abolish the Constitution. Dictator’s have no need for outdated rules and regulations.

And a public outrage would be dealt with by imprisonment or worse.

The reason I bring this all up is that Don the Con’s entire history is based on he being the one and only. He has stated that he believes he and his family are generically superior to the rest of us and he also believes that he never loses, so I expect he will do everything to make sure he doesn’t.

That means, if you are following this logic, and I expect you are not, that we have had our last presidential election. Trump will reign as our Supreme leader and if he should die (and there is hope of that), then his family (his sons) will be his successors.

So there you have my worst fear. I hope I’m wrong. But I would not bet against it.