Terry Mosher 3



I’m getting angry. I can’t help it. I am. Why do we let our politicians lead us around by our noses? What is wrong with us? We got to learn to stand up for ourselves or we will continue to be plowed under by what is becoming an autocracy in our country.

Yes, our country is more autocracy then it is democracy.  Big money, and I mean very big money, runs our country.  Every major bill, including the spending bill that just passed the house, tilts toward the Big Cigars in our world.

We little guys don’t count. We are having dirt kicked in our face while the big spenders – the Big Cigars – get to rake in more and more of the wealth in our country. So just shut up, work your eight hours, pay your bills, and relax on your couch. That’s what the Big Cigars want from you.

We humans are predictable. If there is a way to fudge a bit to make a few extra bucks, we go for it. That includes all of us. The problem is that on a grand stage those (politicians) who think outside the box and can use words easily can persuade others to believe what they do for you is good enough. In the meantime, they are raking in all the cash they can.

Corporations are not dummies, either. They sidle up to the men who have the power (politicians) and influence them with enough money to win elections so they can continue with that influence.

The result is obvious – a spending bill with the necessary riders attached that continues that influence-power arrangement and continues to make the rest of us second-class citizens.

We should all be angry at what is taking place in the highest levels of our government.  We should all make sure when we vote for our government representatives that we are not snookered by the sweet talk, but see past that and vote for the few genuine politicians we believe will not be overly influenced by the power of corporations.

It’s difficult in the modern world to find such people because few can stay true to principles. We all have a price. But the good ones are out there. The best example right now is Elizabeth Warren.

I love Elizabeth Warren. There is no better way to say it. She is true and honest and as far as I can tell has not been spoiled by influence peddling.

She, in few words, is a true believer in the good, and a fierce attacker to those who would distort our laws for their benefit.  They took on the big banks and corporations again just yesterday, calling out in particular Citigroup. I’m with her all the way. I’ve written before that the huge bailouts using our money (taxpayer funds) was wrong. It bailed out the very corporations that had nearly ruined us. When was the last time you heard of some evil-doer being compensated for his evil doing?

I wrote before that if there was to be a taxpayer bailout the bailout should have gone to the very people who were hurt – us. If that would have been done, the bailout money would have been spent one bills and consumer goods and would have lifted the economy at a time when lifting was desperately needed.

Instead, the Big Cigars got the bailout. And what did they do with it? Hoarded it, and make it more difficult for us to get the credit we so much had earned.

That was a classy case of the wolf being put in charge of the hen house.

Now we have a leader we can get behind and follow – Elizabeth Warren.  It would be a shame if she did not run for president. She has insisted she won’t.  That may be the only decision of hers that I disagree with.

Make no mistake; Warren is the lone voice in a maddening complicit world of collusion that benefits the Big Cigars at the expense of us, the middle class and the poor.

Be well pal.

Be careful out there

Have a great day.

You are loved.