Terry Mosher 3



I think The Donald is on to something. His suggestion that having people carry guns to protect themselves from the bad guys is too good to pass up. He said the other day if others had been carrying guns in the Orlando massacre that the shooter would have run into a firefight and less people would have been killed because eventually others would have gun him down before he could kill as he did.

So, instead of the Democrats lobbying to limit who could buy guns and what type of guns they could buy, we need, as The Donald suggests, to make it easier for us to get guns.

Let’s take this out to its logical conclusion.  We all should have guns, and not just a simple pistol, but assault rifles that can do real damage when we are confronted by a jerk who jumps in front of us in a long line waiting, for instance, to get into a Trump The Terrible rally. We’ll just shoot the jerk.

This could be the new recreational sport in America. Instead of waiting in line at checkout at the grocery store, we can just level our assault rifle at those in front of us and mow them down, step over their lifeless bodies and check out as quickly as possible before the store manager rushes in with his assault rifle.

I get this. The Donald has scored a direct hit, he’s right on, and this will save America (and thin out our population). All students in our schools should be allowed to carry guns to their classrooms. Teachers too. If a teacher doesn’t like how one of the students is acting, just pull out a gun from the desk and fire away. That will shut up the student. For good.

And if a student doesn’t like the teacher, instead of complaining to the principal, just pull out a gun from your desk and fire away. Try not to hit your fellow student in front of you when you do, that’s all that is asked of you.

Can you imagine what fun it will be at football games to see instead of student’s rioting, as they sometimes are wont to do, to start firing away? It might be tough to get caught in the crossfire, but, hey, you can duck and fire back. Just don’t forget to take your gun to town.

Can we be serious for a moment? I know it’s difficult when you have the Carnival Barker (a.k.a Trump The Terrible) spewing out his hate and lies, but just pretend for a moment that he has gone to sleep for the four hours he says he gets a night and isn’t talking out of both sides of his mouth and laying on the con.

If you can do that and if also it was nice that the NRA was quiet and all the members of Congress it has bought and paid were also asleep for those four hours that the Mouth That Roared was asleep in his Trump Tower, then it’s possible that we all could take a step backward and ask each other what are we doing allowing assault Rifles and other weapons of mass destruction to be easily purchased in the land that is the Greatest in the World?

I don’t need to know the rapid rate of fire for  a semi-automatic weapon or a an assault rifle that fires even much faster to know that they are way too fast to be considered good sportsmanship to gun down Bambi or a fleeing rabbit.

So why do we sell them?

Why do some of us purchase them?

If you want to have a gun, fine, buy one. But a semi-automatic or an assault gun? C’mon.

The Second Amendment to our constitution – “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”‑ gives you the right to own a gun. But unless you plan on massacring a bunch of people at a gay bar, you don’t need one that fires as quick as you can pull the trigger.

It is estimated that there are almost 300 million guns among us here in the United States that is owned by the average Joe and Mary. It is also estimated that 30,000 of us die each year from gun fire (as opposed to 50 a year in Japan).

But if The Donald gets his way, we would need for us all to carry them all the time to make sure if somebody opens fire with an assault rifle that we can at least fire back. You know, the good guys making the bad guys pay.

Now, we just got to figure which of our neighbors is that bad guy. The Donald says all the Muslims are. And those rapists who are crossing the border from Mexico into our Great Country are also suspects. No so much those white supremacist, but if you have some color to your skin (not Orange like The Donald), you might also be a suspect.

Is this a great country or what? Where else can we own a rapid-firing gun to protect us from Bambi and all the bad guys?

Where else can we allow a man tinged with orange to divide us? Not in Russia, where you pledge alliance to Putin or die. Not in North Korea where a bad word against the supreme leader is worth a bullet in the brain.

No, we are free here in the good old United States. We can let the orange man con us all the way to the bank and back, and influence us to shoot first and ask questions later, and millions not only don’t care, but applaud him.

We need to wake up before it’s too late.

The con man is draped in orange and he’s coming for you.

Try not to be scared. But wrap your finger around the trigger just in case.

Be well pal.

Be careful out there.

Have a great day.

You are loved.