Here are the 23 Republican Senators that need to be booted out of office



The cowardly Republican Senators (52 of them) – Mitt Romney the lone exception – all voted to acquit traitor Trump in the impeachment trial on Wednesday (Feb. 5). We need to sent the 23 who are up for reelection (three of 23 will retire) all home in November’s election. So vote Blue.

The following is a list of those Senators:

Daniel Sullivan, Alaska has fought against Obamacare and signed a 2015 letter to Iran with 46 other Republican Senators warning the country that signing a nuclear deal with the Obama administration was just an executive agreement and the next President (traitor Trump) could undue it with just a stroke of a pen, which is what happened. The letter caused backlash from both the Obama administration and members of Congress. Then Vice President Joe Biden said of the letter, “In thirty-six years in the United States Senate, I cannot recall another instance in which senators wrote directly to advise another country — much less a longtime foreign adversary — that the president does not have the constitutional authority to reach a meaningful understanding with them.”

Martha McSally, Arizona. McSally voted to withhold federal funds to states and cities that declare themselves sanctuaries for immigrants. Voted against Obamacare and voted for traitor Trump’s border wall funding.

Tom Cotton, Arkansas. Cotton voted for Brett M. Kavanaugh to serve on the Supreme Court and also was a signature on the letter to Iran warming them about signing a nuclear deal with Obama. Voted no on providing a path to citizenship for 1.8 million children brought into the country without permission. Voted to withhold federal funds to states and cities that declare themselves sanctuaries for immigrants. Voted for an amendment to repeal Obamacare. Voted no on proposal to remove U.S. armed forces from Yemen that was not authorized by Congress.

Cory Gardner, Colorado. Voted for Brett M. Kavanaugh to serve on the Supreme Court. Voted to withhold federal funds to states and cities that declare themselves sanctuaries for immigrants. Voted against Obamacare.

David Perdue, Georgia. Voted for Brett M. Kavanaugh. Voted against Obamacare.

Kelly Loeffler, Georgia. No information on how she votes.

Jim Risch, Idaho. Voted for Brett M. Kavanaugh. Voted against Obamacare. Voted for tax cuts, mostly to the wealthy.

Joni Ernst, Iowa. Voted for Brett M. Kavanaugh. Voted to withhold federal funds to states and cities that declare themselves sanctuaries for immigrants. Voted against Obamacare. Voted no to removed military forces from Yemen.

Charles Patrick “Pat” Roberts, Kansas. He is retiring.

Mitch McConnell, Kentucky. Majority leader in the Senate. Has held office since 1985. Has vowed to fill all vacancies with judicial nominees to Supreme Court, circuit court of appeals judges and district court judges while Trump is President whether they are good or not as long as they are of the ideological bent that serves the far-right conservative cause and promise loyalty to Trump. Has blocked hundreds of House of Representatives bills, including minimum wage and cyber security from reaching the Senate floor for debate. Voted for Brett M. Kavanaugh. Voted against Obamacare. A top priority for Democrats to vote out of office.

 Bill Cassidy, Louisiana. Voted for Brett M. Kavanaugh. Voted to withhold federal funds to states and cities that declare themselves sanctuaries for immigrants. Voted no to remove military troops from Yemen.

Susan Collins, Maine. Voted for Brett M. Kavanaugh. Her vote was crucial to get Kavanaugh nominated. Voted to withhold federal funds from states and cities that declare themselves sanctuaries for immigrants.

Cindy Hyde-Smith, Mississippi. Voted for Brett M. Kavanaugh. Voted no to remove troops from Yemen. Was once a Democrat, but switched to the Republican Party.

Steve Daines, Montana. Did not vote on the Brett M. Kavanaugh nomination. Voted no on a path to citizenship for 1.8 million individuals. Voted to withhold funding from sanctuaries for immigrants. Voted to repeal Obamacare.

Ben Sasse, Nebraska. Voted for Brett M. Kavanaugh. Voted to withhold funds for sanctuaries for immigrants and voted no on a path to citizenship for 1.8 million individuals. Voted against Obamacare.

Thom Tillis, North Carolina. Voted for Brett M. Kavanaugh. Voted no on path to citizenship and yes to deny funds to sanctuaries for immigrants. Voted against Obamacare. Here is Tillis talking about people on welfare: “At some point, we’ll have to say, ‘First kid, we’ll give you a pass. Second, third or fourth kid, you’re on your own. What we have to do is find a way to divide and conquer the people who are on assistance. We have to show respect for that woman who has cerebral palsy and had no choice in her condition that needs help and we should help. And we need to get those folks to look down at those people who choose to get into a position that makes them dependent on the government and say at some point, you’re on your own. We may end up taking care of those babies but we’re not going to take care of you.’” Due to the lack of oversight and limits on its use, the North Carolina Department of Transportation Contingency Fund was identified as a slush fund and an example of cronyism by the John Locke Foundation. The fund was reduced from $15 million to $12 million in 2010, Tillis controlled $4 million of this fund in his role as Speaker of the House.

Jim Inhofe, Oklahoma.  The 85-year-old Inhofe is considered a safe Republican vote. Inhofe was worth 7.5 million in 2012 and his net worth has grown 78 percent from 2004 to 2012. The average American net worth in that time declined .94 percent.

Lindsey Graham, South Carolina.  Voted for Brett M. Kavanaugh. Voted to withhold funds from sanctuaries for immigrants. Voted against Obamacare. Did not vote for removal of troops from Yemen. Perhaps the most ardent supporter of Trump. That is a complete reversal of his support when Trump first became President.

Mike Rounds, South DakotaVoted for Brett M. Kavanaugh. Voted to withhold funding for sanctuaries for immigrants. Voted against Obamacare. Voted against removal of troops from Yemen.

Lamar Alexander, Tennessee. He is retiring.

John Cornyn, Texas. Voted for Brett M. Kavanaugh. Voted against providing a path to citizenship for 1.8 million immigrants. Voted to withhold funds from sanctuaries for immigrants. Voted against Obamacare. Voted no on removal of troops from Yemen.

Shelley Moore, West Virginia. Is one of the more right-of-center Republicans. Voted for Brett M. Kavanaugh. Voted to withhold funds from sanctuaries for immigrants. Voted no for path to citizenship for 1.8 million immigrants. Voted against Obamacare. Voted no on removal of troops from Yemen.

Mike Enzi, Wyoming. Born in Bremerton in 1944. Is going to retire.