What planet did the Koch brothers come from?

Bumming around town with Bill Bumerton

Bumerton is a retired Navy fighter pilot who had been missing in action for several years while he traversed the globe looking for greener grass. He discovered the grass is only greener here (it’s blue in Kentucky), so he returned to again take charge of his 1954 green Hudson Hornet that has been in storage, refilled his pipe, and is ready to continue his smokin’ ways. Here is what he recently told us at the Sports Paper.

Bumerton sees all
Bumerton sees all


Those Koch brothers are idiots. They are almost as bad as you, Big Dawg. Charles Koch says if you make $34,000 a year that puts you in the top 1 percent. The top 1 percent of what: a dumpster?  If the Koch’s would have their way there would be no regulation, no government interference, no minimum wage, and no work – unless you wanted to work for a buck a day. They want to take us back to the 1800s when people worked for peanuts and didn’t have enough money to buy a peanut. And to think, the Koch’s are worth a combined $30 billion. Maybe they should donate that $30 million to the poor in this country. What a j oke they are.