Terry Mosher 3


What is wrong with us?

Why do we do like we do?

And why is Mitt running again? The man with more money than he needs so he stashes it off-shore where it’s protected from the taxing arm of the government, wants to head that government.

When will we learn?

You don’t put the weasel in charge of the hen house.

We have killed each other for centuries. But it sure seems to me that we are accelerating the pace of our killing. And maybe why I notice that is the world is so much smaller now with the information age where everything that happens in the world, no matter how insignificant it may seem, is broadcast live on our increasing webs of social network.

When I was small World War II raged on in all its killing glory and I was as unaware of it as you could be. Now every little scrimmage – along with the big scrimmages – we get to see in real time and I can’t miss them unless I suddenly go blind and deaf.

Let’s count some of the ways in recent weeks that we are killing each other:

Charlie Hebdo’s newsroom suddenly becomes a shooting range and the cartoonist paper is riddled with the dead – 12 in all. But before the maddening attack is finished five more are killed when another attacker walks into a Jewish store and fires away;

Three are killed in Sydney, Australia when a gunman is killed along with two of his hostages in a standoff with police;

Seven attackers decide to make school a little interesting in Pakistan when they scale the school’s walls and indiscriminately murder 132 children, 10 teachers and three soldiers. When kids try to hide under their desks, the leader of the seven orders his gunmen to kill them;

At least 200 were killed in shootings in Chicago – and that was just through July of 2014. If you live in Chicago don’t listen to Johnny Cash and Willie Nelson ‑ you better take you guns to town;

And forget adding up the dead in Syria, Iraq and Yemen. If you are living there, you are hunkering down and sending for Pizza Hut to deliver.

Then there is the white on black situation in our country. Ferguson for one, but there has been countless others.

Someone was just arrested today before he could take his guns to town and shoot up Congress. I know, I know, there are many of us that would like to do something with Congress. Not shoot it up, but something.  Do just about anything except that. But the way the world is today, I’m not surprised somebody was planning on a shooting spree against our government representatives

In fact, I’m not surprised by anything anymore.

Russia uses proxies to invade parts of Ukraine. We send in real GIs with their guns blazing to screw up Iraq. We take out the dictator who had his thumb on his countrymen, and now that the thumb is gone, it’s everybody for themselves – a free-for-all – loser gets buried, the winner survives to fight another day.

I’m sick of it. I guess I’ll have to wait until Sunday to get my fill of destruction. That’s when the Seahawks take on the Packers in Seattle and the hitting will be fierce and prolonged. I can’t wait. But leave your guns at home, please.

Be well pal.

Be careful out there.

Have a great day.

You are loved.